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The Maryland Crabs is a podcast based in Annapolis Maryland which was launched in September 2016 after, quite literally years of hemming and hawing.  After a few false starts, many aborted concepts, we just took the plunge, whipped out the credit cards and lit Amazon on fire with equipment orders. And here we are!

This podcast is not about interviews. It’s about topics and conversations of interest to Marylanders!

We are not going to shy away from controversy or discomfort. Valuable conversations can emerge from them. We will not be adversarial for the sake of being adversarial, but you can expect some heated exchanges between Tim and John and Guests–or any combination of those.

About Guests–we're going to have plenty of them! Some will be local or regional in nature--others more broad.

And, we may even take this show on the road. Some night, you might find us propped on a bar stool at the Ebb Tide..or worse!

To learn more about us and who we's your link!

Jan 19, 2017

WARNING: Some Explicit Content & Language

Dale Crites is someone you may not know. Or maybe you just don't recognize the name.  Dale, a gay male, is also known as (at various times) Madonna Girl Dale, Brittney Girl Dale, or Ke$ha Girl Dale and she can typically be found along Ritchie Highway in Brooklyn Park and Glen Burnie, Maryland.

Where did she come from? What makes her tick? She stops dancing long enough to sit down with the Maryland Crabs to open up during a surprisingly poignant discussion. From sexual abuse as a child, to the death of a close friend, to her relationship with the police, and why performing in the streets of Anne Arundel County is what she does.

This frank, unvarnished and (at times) decidedly R-Rated conversation will open your eyes to someone who is struggling with some deep seated issues and just trying to get along in life.

You can read more about Madonna Girl Dale in a photo essay done by The Baltimore Sun in 2013.

To keep up with Madonna Girl Dale, follow her on Twitter at @MDNAPaula4Ever or on Facebook at Madonna Girl Dale!

The Crabs don't judge. We hope you don't either. Just take a listen.

And....a HUGE thank you to Nicole and the gang at Chesapeake Arts Center in Brooklyn Park for allowing us to use a spare room.  If you have not been to definitely should!

Thank you to everyone who wrote with suggestions for upcoming episodes. We are on it.  Coming up next week will be a conversation with the latest candidate to throw their hat into the ring for Annapolis Mayor-- State Senator John Astle. And down the line, the founders of The Annapolis Film Festival, Mayor Pantelides, Dr. Jana Davis from the Chesapeake Bay Trust and a few more surprises. You will want to stay tuned every Thursday.   

Big geeky news.... we are now on iHeartRADIO!  So if you listen to iHeartRADIO, you can listen, rate, share, subscribe, favorite right there.  Here's the direct link!

But if you are just joining us.... make sure you check out some (or all) of our previous episodes? You really should. They could change your life. Granted, your life would have to be pretty bad. But still, we have some gems you will want to check out!  Most recently....

  • Last week we crabbed with Anne Arundel County State's Attorney Wes Adams and had a great conversation about crime in Anne Arundel County, the heroin epidemic, the success of his Drug Court, and the case that made him most proud.  We may have touched on that old Winnebago he used for the campaign too!
  • Marc Rodriguez. You may not know who he is right now, but you will. A sharp guy who has been working with Alderman Littmann and is poised to make a run for office in the upcoming Annapolis elections.
  • Governor Larry Hogan invited us into his private office for Jaegerbombs and wings while we watched the Ravens.  OK, so maybe it was more of a conversation with the State Police watching over us making sure we did not swipe the guitar off his office wall...but we did have a great conversation.

Oh hell...just go back and listen to the ones you have not heard!  And PLEASE be sure to tell your friends about us!

Better yet, go to iTunes or Google Play or iHeartRADIO and subscribe to our podcast and have them automatically delivered to your phone every time there is a new episode.

Tim restrained himself this week---nothing was stolen from the Courthouse! However, he did pick up a few drinking tips for must-visit pubs the next time he is in Ireland! Who knew the Courthouse was such a wealth of information!


Wanna touch base? Got a suggestion? Criticism? Want to be a guest? Have an idea for a guest? …send us an email at

You can also  hit us up on Twitter at @MDCrabsPodcast. We have no lives, so hearing from listeners really makes our day.

PLEASE Click to rate us and leave a comment on Google Play or iTunes! That would go a long way to getting our podcast out there! While you are there—why not subscribe and have it delivered right to your device?

If you want to find us, click on the links below:

Personally, on Twitter, find Tim at @timhamilton47 and John at @eyeonannapolis