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The Maryland Crabs is a podcast based in Annapolis Maryland which was launched in September 2016 after, quite literally years of hemming and hawing.  After a few false starts, many aborted concepts, we just took the plunge, whipped out the credit cards and lit Amazon on fire with equipment orders. And here we are!

This podcast is not about interviews. It’s about topics and conversations of interest to Marylanders!

We are not going to shy away from controversy or discomfort. Valuable conversations can emerge from them. We will not be adversarial for the sake of being adversarial, but you can expect some heated exchanges between Tim and John and Guests–or any combination of those.

About Guests–we're going to have plenty of them! Some will be local or regional in nature--others more broad.

And, we may even take this show on the road. Some night, you might find us propped on a bar stool at the Ebb Tide..or worse!

To learn more about us and who we's your link!

Feb 23, 2019

This is a Crabcake from The Maryland Crabs! What is a Crabcake? Well, it's a very short snippet of something you need to know. It might be 5 minutes long..or it might be 20. In any event, enjoy your Maryland Crabcake!

Today, we are in a bustling Market House (you can hear the espresso machines and the deliveries--sorry about the audio) with Erik Evans, the Executive Director of the Downtown Annapolis Partnership; Jody Danek, the co-owner of several restaurants; and Michelle Bouchard who is one of the General Partners in the Market House!

We talk about the week, what's new and the awesome Mardi Gras party that is kicking it all off!

Annapolis Restaurant Week | March 2 - March 10

Check out the participating restaurants and make your reservations now!  Here's your link!